Aaron Sherman wrote:
Now, I'm not saying that that's the way it MUST be, just that that seems
to be the way that junctions would work in that situation.

I know, and I'm very confused about all these pseudo procedural uses of junctions. And others seem to share my state of affairs.

If we decide
that | and & aren't really junction constructors in class/role
definitions, then we can make them whatever we want.

Ohh, yes please! Actually I see the biggest potential of junctions in the type system. E.g. the comparison operator <=> could get return type -1^0^1. This is first of all good documentation and secondly preserves valuable information for the optimizer. The none() junction is most usefull for excluding types---e.g junctions.

So, in the extreme Perl6 might have a junctive type calculation
overlaying the value calculation. Thus when a junctive class is
needed the class composer can be triggered to make an instance thereof.
As you pointed out that might be possible and then continue to MMD
with that newly created class. Sounds very dynamic too me. And I've
not heard about a language that throws exceptions that say "Can't create
class Foo does A|B because of conflicting methods bar()".

TSa (Thomas Sandlaß)

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