On Fri, Apr 29, 2005 at 06:22:57AM -0700, Larry Wall wrote:
> :     @x[want()] = $_;  # scalar context
> :     @x[want()] = @_;  # scalar context
> Maybe "unknown" context, which defaults to list.

I think allowing unknown LHS index expression to default to 
scalar context is a bit more useful here.  Since we have:

    @x[0]  = @y;        # scalar
    @x[0,] = @y;        # list

This may be more intuitive:

    @x[idx()]  = @y;    # scalar
    @x[idx(),] = @y;    # list

Than this:

    @x[+idx()] = @y;    # scalar
    @x[idx()]  = @y;    # list

But I don't really feel strongly one way or another, as long
as it is specced down. :)


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