Autrijus Tang wrote:
What should this do, if not infinite loop?

my ($x, $y); $x = \$y; $y = \$x; $x[0] = 1;

Hmm, after the my both $x and $y store an undef. Then $x stores a ref to undef. Then $y stores a ref to ref of undef. I see no circle.

Now let's look at $x = 1. I think it goes down
to the ref and let's it reference the value 1.
This is actually necessary because the ref that $x
"contains" has got other referees---that is the one
stored in $y. Thereafter $y sees the same value 1
through a chain of two references.

"Graphically" this looks as follows:

$y -> ref
$x ------> ref -> 1

So I think even $x = \$x should just do the right thing.
And that is not in any way different from $x = $x + 5.
The RHS is evaluated and the resulting value is stored
in $x.
TSa (Thomas Sandlaß)

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