Mark A. Biggar skribis 2005-05-06 22:12 (-0700):
> Actually if we define |...| at all, I'd prefer it mean abs(), its usual 
> mathmatical meaning.

No. We can't just use circumfix |...| with arbitrary expressions in it,
because | is taken as an infix operator. It has to be quoteish (like <>
(this is why there can be infix < and >, even though <> is taken)), or
you end up with ugly parens. Only mirrored sets are useful for arbitrary
expressions, the same thing left and right makes things very hard. But
for quoteish operators, that's no problem: '', "", //, and perhaps ||.
Labels would also specifically be limited to \w+.

And personally I could not care any less about the mathematical meaning.
I have never cared about that with other operators. We don't have << and
>> to mean much less than and much greater than, do we? Should we?


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