On Fri, 2005-05-13 at 12:07 +1200, Sam Vilain wrote:
> Rod Adams wrote:
> > It looks like I'm going to have to punt on finishing S29.
> On behalf of pugs committers, we will gladly adopt this task, which is in
> the pugs repository already at docs/S29draft.pod, as well as having a set
> of foundation classes that correspond to all these object methods in
> docs/src/ (of course, most of the actual code is in src/Pugs/Prim.hs etc)

I'll be your resident firehose drinker. Feel free to send me your
comments, concerns and death threats where they are relevant to S29
and / or the above mentioned foundation classes. I will summarize and
compile and forward on to the relevant parties as needed.

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