On Tue, May 17, 2005 at 03:02:12PM -0400, Mark Reed wrote:
> On 2005-05-17 14:14, "Peter Haworth" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:\
> > 
> > Does numbering of captures after an alternation continue as if the
> > alternative with the most captures matched?
> > 
> >     #   $1    $1  $2    $3, even if (a) matched
> >   rx/ [ (a) | (b) (c) ] (d) /;
> I thought that was still like Perl5:
> >     #   $1    $2  $3    $4
> >   rx/ [ (a) | (b) (c) ] (d) /;
> The *numbering* is based on the regex; the *values* are based on the actual
> match.

Nope.  See the section entitled "Subpattern numbering" in

To quote: 

    Specifically, there are significant advantages to numbering the
    subpatterns in each branch of an alternation (i.e. oneither side of
    a C<|>) independently, restarting the numbering at the beginning of
    each branch. And this is precisely what Perl 6 does:

        # Perl 6...
                   # $1      $2    $3   $4    $5           $6
        $tune_up6 = rx/ (don't) (ray) (me) (for) (solar tea), (d'oh!)
                   # $1      $2      $3    $4        $5
                   | (every) (green) (BEM) (devours) (faces)

    In other words, unlike in Perl 5, in Perl 6 $1 doesn't represent the
    capture made by the first subpattern that appears in the rule; it
    represents the capture made by the first subpattern of whichever
    alternative actually matched.

Although last I heard, Larry had agreed to make the first captured paren
be $0 rather than $1 so that it could correspond to the indexing of the
match object when used as an array.

> What's changed in the Perl6 design, AIUI, is nested captures.  Given this:
> > rx/ (a (b (c d) e) f) /
> In Perl5, $1 is "abcdef", $2 is "bcde", and $3 is "cd".  In the proposed
> Perl6 model, there is no $2, just $1 (an object which stringifies to
> "abcdef", $1.1 (an object which stringifies to "bcde"), and $1.1.1 (an
> object which stringifies to "cd".

Yep. Assuming the $1.1 syntax works.

Jonathan Scott Duff

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