So I'm finally starting to implement multi-level invocants in MMDs.
I'd like to sanity check some cases first, though.

Are these two assumed to be identical?

    multi sub foo ($x, $y)
    multi sub foo ($x, $y : )

But these two are _not_ identical?

    multi sub foo ($x : $y : $z)
    multi sub foo ($x : $y : $z : )

Is multiple colons usable in invocation?  If yes, is these two
assumed to be identical?

    $$b : $c);
    foo($a : $b : $c);

S12 says all the following cases "come out to the same thing":

    $handle.close       # 1
    close($handle)      # 2
    close $handle:      # 3
    close $handle       # 4

Does it mean that during invocation, when there is no colons and
no dots, an implicit colon is added at the end, making all arguments
same-level invocants and subject to MMD?  That is, these are identical:

    foo($a, $b)
    foo($a, $b : )

But these two are _not_:

    foo($a : $b : $c)
    foo($a : $b : $c : )


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