
"TSa (Thomas Sandlaß)" wrote:
> Ingo Blechschmidt wrote:
>> Or did you simply forget the braces around 42? :)
> No, it was intented for seeing what the reactions will be :)


> Just using &foo as unsigiled variable. This might need
> my &foo is rw;

I don't think this will DWYW, as firstly "is rw" is the default
on vars declared with my(), and secondly &foo will be undef, not some
kind of Proxy object. To do what you want, you'd have to write (I
  my &foo = new_codeless_lvalue_sub();

  sub new_codeless_lvalue_sub {
    my $var;
    return {
      new Proxy: FETCH => { $var }, STORE => -> $new { $var = $new };

> But then I presume you could say:
> foo = 17;
> if foo < 8
> {
>     @a[foo] = 8;
> }
> We could call that a codeless lvalue sub ;)

This indeed looks very slick! I wouldn't use it for normal vars, though.


Linux, the choice of a GNU | The next statement is not true.
generation on a dual AMD   | The previous statement is true.  
Athlon!                    |

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