Luke Palmer wrote:
So I suppose that's my proposal.  Allow, even encourage, overloading
of =:=, but only for value types.  I've been thinking that we ought to
provide a standard role for making something a value type.  Maybe it
would require definition of =:=.

I would like to propose something slightly different:
1) Let =:= be non-overloadable purely macro/grammar based
   --- same could be applied to ::= and := I think
2) the implementation of =:= then checks type homogenity
   as a precondition and calls the type specific EQUAL
   submethod or some such

The rational is that type homogenity is a necessary condition
for identity and thus allows to return false when violated.

The EQUAL class/type submethod could be used as the default for
the == and eq operators as long as subtype homogenity for both
sides holds. Well, or the operator name is a parameter to the
parametric role:

role Identity[ &eq_op:( ::?CLASS, ::?CLASS: --> bit ) = $::CLASS::EQUAL ]
does Identity[ ::?CLASS ]  # F-bounded

which is implicitly forced into every class definition by virtue of

role Any does Identity;

In particular we have:

class Num does Identity[ &infix:{'=='} ] {...}
class Str does Identity[ &infix:{'eq'} ] {...}

To what exteent in canbe auto-generated with dispatching to
the respective methods of all elements defined into the class'
value environment, I can't say.
TSa (Thomas Sandlaß)

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