Yuval Kogman wrote:
> We already have the Set class, how do we say what it contains?
> class Set {
>    has $.type;
>    method members returns $.type () { ... }
> }
> my Set of Int $s = Set.new; # is this how you call it?

You are describing "Higher Order" types, also called Generic Algebraic Data 
Types (GADTs) in Haskell.

Please refer to the earlier discussions

 Parts 1 and 2 of http://xrl.us/f9re

I also started a similar post on a related note that was "warnocked", though the post was more to demonstrate an apparent syntax isomorphism between Haskell and Perl 6 than posing a particular question (probably why it was unanswered).


I think there has probably been other discussions, including one where Autrijus specifically asked this question for the Set module, but I can't find that one.


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