
So, that leaves either perl6-language or a new list.  Personally I
could see it going either way -- even though general Perl6 programming
questions aren't directly about language design, it may still be
useful to language designers to see the types of questions that
people are asking and to see how well the language design can work in
practice.  Or maybe that's not needed.  But I tend to lean away from
list proliferation where possible.

So, I'd suggest putting general questions about Perl 6 on perl6-language.
In saying this, however, I think it's important to try to distinguish
questions about Perl 6 from questions about the various implementing
components such as Pugs, PGE, and any forthcoming Perl 6 compiler(s).
For some time these implementations will be only approximations of
the Perl 6 language design, so they're not authoritative as far
as testing understanding of Perl 6.  (But they are often very
illustrative and educational. :-)  So, questions like "XYZ doesn't
seem to work in Pugs or PGE" probably belong on perl6-compiler.

Where should I ask, that what's PGE means? Yes, I know, it's Parrot Grammar Engine, and I know what it is, but a beginnner maybe not. And I think that there are a lot of questions around like this, but people feel, that those questions don't fit to the lists. Or maybe not, don't know. I agree, that it is useful for the designers to see the questions, but if it will be a separate list, it still won't be impossible for them.

Anyway, I understand why you wrote what you wrote, so as there will be no decision, I'll ask my questions on perl6-compiler.


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