Larry Wall skribis 2005-06-14 14:15 (-0700):
> On Tue, Jun 14, 2005 at 10:31:58PM +0200, Ingo Blechschmidt wrote:
> : You can use
> :   say [~] @array;         # "abcd"   or
> :   say @array.join("");    # "abcd"   or
> :   say join "", @array;    # "abcd"
> : if you want to supress the spaces.
> I think a bare @array.join should also work.

I think it should not.

split splits on whitespace, stringification joins on whitespace, reverse
in scalar context joins on whitespace. It would be fair if join
defaulted to ' ' as well.

You suggested cat as a join assuming '' in an old thread. I still like
that idea.

    [ 'a' .. 'e' ].join   # "a b c d e"
    [ 'a' .. 'e' ].cat    # "abcde"


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