Perl 6 Summary for 2005-06-21 through 2005-06-28

    Long time no see... err, write... uh, read... um... this. Yeah, long
    time no this. As Piers hinted, two weeks ago I moved. Moving sucks. For
    those of you who care, I am still in Cambridge, for those of you who
    care more, I think you misunderstand the summarizer/summary reader
    relationship. Essentially it revolves around summaries, and the summary
    of my move is Cambridge to Cambridge.

    As Piers noted last week, this is a low volume high action week. In no
    small part do to the hack-a-thons. Last week's was in Austria, this
    week's is near Toronto. Perhaps some nice soul who was actually at these
    hack-a-thons will summarize it when it is over.

  Perl 6 Compiler
    Patrick announced that PGE now supports grammars and more built-in
    rules. He even offered to field requests for built-in rules (although he
    would prefer patches).


   Caller's Context
    Gerd Pokorra wanted to know how to determine if his sub is called in
    void context. He conjectured that want might fill his wants. No response


   Self Hosting Goals
    Millsa Erlas explained that one good reason for Perl6 to be self hosting
    is that it would allow the people who love it most (Perl hackers) to
    hack on it. The theory being that low level languages like C
    unnecessarily narrow the field of contributors (especially those that
    only know perl). Some concerns were expressed over confusion about the
    language Ponie should be written in. No one disputes this... C.


   Indexing Hashtables
    Klaas-Jan Stol asked for a clue bat with respect to indexing hash tables
    in PIR. Joshua Juran and Leo each took a swing.


   Parrot Loses with Fedora Core 4
    Patrick reported that Fedora Core 4 and Parrot don't get along well. Leo
    suggested a possible solution. No response from Patrick.


   Default Method Resolution Order
    Roger Browne wondered what the default MRO order was. Leo provided the
    answer: left-to-right, depth-first, discard all but the last occurrence
    of duplicates, divine intervention.


   Win32 Tests Failing
    Craig the Last-Nameless-One posted a list of failing tests and problems
    on Windows. Leo provided a few answers.


   Method Inheritance Needs Perl Loving
    Leo announced a perl job for the interested: method inheritance in the
    PMC compiler. This naturally led to discussion of numerical hierarchies.
    I was a little disappointed the quaternions got mentioned, but
    Hamiltonian and Surreal Numbers were left out. Honestly, where are our


   Tracing and Debugging Pain
    Matt Diephouse posted a general description of the problems he was
    having with tracing, debugging, and GC. Warnock might apply in a day or


   Segmented Context and Register Memory
    Chip posted a partial reply to Leo's context and register overhaul
    patch. Andy Dougherty responded to some of Chip's finer points. If you
    are interested in the nuances of C's pointer pain, this thread makes an
    interesting read.


   Improving Parrot's Test Framework
    chromatic wants to improve parrots test framework by stealing ideas from
    Test::Class. He wants to know if anyone else is interested in this.


   setattribute Fails with Multi-level Inheritance
    Roger Browne opened a ticket describing an error with setattribute when
    several layers of inheritance are used.


   Register Allocation Bug
    Leo opened a ticket for a problem with improper control flow tracking.
    Bill Coffman wondered whether the new register design had been
    implemented yet.


   Pass by Value PMCs
    Klaas-Jan Stol mused that the new calling conventions could be leveraged
    to allow passing PMCs by value.


   Parrot Fall Down Go Boom
    Matt Fowles reported a segfaulting parrot that passes its tests. Sadly,
    no one solved his problem in the 4 hours between his posting it and
    writing the summary.


  Perl 6 Language
   You Know That, But You Go On
    As Piers noted, arguments about " ./method " vs " .method " continue.
    Like Piers, I don't like "./". I guess I was the only person who did
    like $^ as the invocant. Ah well, I guess I will just go on


   Binding Functions
    Piers wanted to use a Ruby idiom involving rebinding functions. Damian
    told him that he could, but also pointed him to " wrap ".


   OO Questions
    BÁRTHÁZI András posted a question about method calls in Perl 6. Juerd
    and Piers provided answers.


   Autoload and $_
    Last week's thread about AUTOLOAD continued. It still seems to be
    fishing for some official decision.


   Magic Mutators and Proxies
    Sam Vilain wondered if he could make proxies behave like he wanted to.
    Luke Palmer explained, yes, but he would need to use binding instead of


   Quasiquoting and PPI
    Brad Bowman asked how Quasiquoting and PPI would interact with the AST.
    Autrijus posted a some explanation, and Adam Kennedy cleared up some


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