First off, it seems like there are at least 3 topics being discussed under the "Re: Hackathon notes" subject line. Could we break them out into separate threads so that our poor summarizer doesn't go bonkers?

On Jul 8, 2005, at 4:25 PM, Dave Whipp wrote:

Rod Adams wrote:

   multi method foo#bar (Num x) {...}
   multi method foo#fiz (String x) {...}
   $y = 42;
   $$y); # even though $y looks like a Num
   $$z);     # let MMD sort it out.

Instead of changing the parse rules for #, why not just use a trait?

    multi method foo is short_name('bar') {...}

Having additional tags might also give us something to hang priority traits off: "foo#bar is more_specific_than(foo#baz);" might influence the order of clauses in the implicit given/when block. It feels like there should be a generalization of operator precidence here (even thought he two are superficially dis-similar, the looser/tighter concept appears valid).

Although I like the idea of reusing this concept, I'm not sure that it really solves the problem. Fundamentally, we're trying to make MMD behave intuitively with no programmer effort.


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