
Ingo Blechschmidt wrote:
Is this a bug in S29 or will this be feature removed from Perl 6 and you'll have to say (for example) use listops :mutating; my @result = map { $_++; 42 } @array; # works now

Why not just

    my @result = map -> $_ is rw { $_++; 42 } @array;  # works now

which could be abbreviated as

    my @result = map:rw { $_++; 42 } @array;  # works now

And as usual the :rw binding needs the confirmation of @array.

BTW, would the following be parseable in an extreme interpretation of
optionality of block owner and block topic:

   my @result = map:rw    { .++; 42 } @array; # ++ as method on owner
   my @result = map:rw -> {  ++; 42 } @array; # ++ as sub with topic
   my @result = map:rw -> { .++; 42 } @array; # both:  $/.++($_)
$TSa.greeting := "HaloO"; # mind the echo!

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