On 8/4/05, Ingo Blechschmidt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> (found in the Pugs testsuite.)
>     my $undef = undef;
>     say $undef.chars?   # 0? undef? die?
>     say chars $undef;   # 0? undef? die?
> I'd opt for "undef.chars" to be an error ("no such method") and "chars
> undef" to return 0 (with a warning printed to STDERR^W$*ERR).

Well, I think that "chars $undef" should be exactly equivalent to
"$undef.chars".  In fact, I think it is: "chars $undef" is just the
indirect object form.

So perhaps "method not found" errors "fail" instead of "die".


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