Damian Conway wrote:

Alternatively, you could define separate rules for the three cases:

        state @indents = 0;

        rule indent {
            ^^ $<token>:=(\h*)
            { $<new_indent> = expand_tabs($<token>).chars }
            <( $<new_indent> > @indents[-1] )>
            { let @indents = (@indents, $<new_indent>) }

        rule outdent {
            ^^ $<token>:=(\h*)
            { $<new_indent> = expand_tabs($<token>).chars }
            <( $<new_indent> < @indents[-1] )>
            { pop @indents while @indents && $<new_indent> < @indents[-1];
              let @indents = (@indents, $<new_indent>);

        rule samedent { ... }

I have a couple of questions about this:

1. It's quite possible that a code-block in a parser could call a function that reads a different file (e.g. for an "include <file>" statement). How does the state, @indents, get associated with a particular match? (Sure, I could do an explicit save/restore; but things might get harder if I was using coroutines to get concurrent matches to implement, say, a smart-diff script)

2. How does the outdent rule work in the case where a line does 2 outdents? It looks to me as if I'd only get one match of <outdent>: the /\h*/ match will advance the match pos, so /^^/ won't match for the second <outdent> on the same line, which would cause problems if I'm trying to match up nested blocks.


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