Uri Guttman skribis 2005-09-24 10:37 (-0400):
> huffman has its limits too. in general having single letter names for
> anything is a poor idea. it makes it hard to search for, you limit it to
> only one thing that can use that letter, it isn't always easy to
> remember what a given letter is, etc. keys and values are short enough
> and read much better. kv works because keyvalues is clunky and too
> long. 

This reasoning works for me. Thank you.

> i wouldn't have minded .pairs or .each instead of kv. but alias
> methods are easy to add. 

I'd expect .pairs to return pairs, not keys and values zipped.

Re each, I don't know what to expect: a single pair, or all pairs. Not
what .kv does, anyway.


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