Austin Hastings wrote:

1. Requirement to repeat the possibly complex expression for the list.
2. Possible high cost of generating the list.
3. Possible unique nature of the list.

The subroutine addresses #1, but not 2 or 3.

It does address 2. The list is generated once (wherever) and only passed to the subroutine once. No regeneration required. It's exactly like your "all but illegible" solution, just factored out and deuglified.

Since I don't understand what you mean by 3, I can't really judge whether it addresses it. But I *can* say it addresses it exactly as well as your "all but illegible" solution did.

Also, there's a #4: modified state, which is hinted at but not really
covered by #3.

4 is not possible using the pointy sub syntax in any form, since all params to pointy subs are always constant aliases.


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