>>>>> "IB" == Ingo Blechschmidt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

  IB> * "(key => $value)" (with the parens) is always a positionally passed
  IB>   Pair object. "key => $value" (without the parens) is a named
  IB>   parameter:

  IB>       sub foo ($a) {...}

  IB> * Unary "*" makes a normal pair variable participate in named binding:

  IB>       foo(*$pair);  # named parameter "a", $a will be 42

  IB> * Same for hashes:

  IB>       my %hash = (a => 1, b => 2, c => 3);

  IB>       foo(%hash);   # positional parameter, $a will be \%hash

  IB>       foo(*%hash);  # three named parameters

  IB> Opinions?

works for me. but what about lists and arrays?

        my @z = ( 'a', 1 ) ;
        foo( @z )       # $a = [ 'a', 1 ] ??

        my @z = ( a => 1 ) ;
        foo( @z )       # $a = pair( a => 1 ) or does that need * too?

same questions for lists (this shows a nested sub call)

        sub bar { return ( a => 1 ) }
        foo( bar() )    # i would expect $a == ( a => 1 ) since there is
                        # no *

        foo( *bar() )   # i would expect $a == 1

i think i covered most/all of the variations. but this needs to be
hammered down for all of them.



Uri Guttman  ------  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  -------- http://www.stemsystems.com
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