On Tue, Oct 18, 2005 at 21:43:57 +0200, Juerd wrote:
> > That was just a naive example - the words "Unsafe" and "Safe" are
> > user defined, and are chosen on a case by case basis in their app.
> I think there's a lot to be gained by implementing something like this
> globally, consistently. CPAN is part of Perl, as far as I'm concerned.

While I agree that there is something to be gained from
semi-standard roles that allow modules to share compatible
interfaces (for example, imagine that Storable, Data::Dumper both do
the Serializable role, which is an interface spec jointly maintained
by their authors), I think that the power of the paradgim I proposed
is actually in non-shared code - things that apply to your app, and
are hard to reuse except for similar deployments.

The reason for my opinion is while an HTML sanitizer knows that it
takes any arbitrary string, and returns a string that has no
dangerous tags, and will not mess with the structure of the
document, it doesn't know what is the origin or your data, or what
is the destination of it's output.

This amendment to the type system is supposed to help you make sure
your glue code is glueing the right parts together, and while
components are generally reusable, composed components are scarcely

> > I don't see how this relates to the OP, or why encoding functions
> > should implement it like this.
> The "should" is not to be taken literally, and applies only to the
> described hypothetical universe.


 ()  Yuval Kogman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 0xEBD27418  perl hacker &
 /\  kung foo master: /me does a karate-chop-flip: neeyah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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