
Juerd wrote:
Luke Palmer skribis 2005-10-18 11:57 (-0600):

It looks nicer if you use the indirect object form:
   trans "string": [
       <h e> => "0",

It'd also look very nice with optional parens:

    "string".trans [ <h e> => "0" ];

Or is it not yet time to resuggest that? :)

I like it. Given enough Meta Information---namely the structural
arrow type---the .trans could be parsed as postfix op that returns
a prefix op. Otherwise you get a 'two terms in a row' *syntax* error!

   (($ &) $)

The left item is actually calculated at compile time from string
interpolation. The $ on the right is an itemized pair. Further
expanded we get

   ((&.($) & :$)

or perhaps


BTW, lets assume the non-invocant param of .trans were called $foo.
Would in the above case +($foo.key) == 2? And I guess the parens
could be dropped because .key binds tighter than prefix:<+>, right?
I mean the type of the key in the pair is an array of compile time
strings. Or is that not preserved?

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