On 21/10/05, Steve Peters <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I honestly don't know or care what flavor of vi I using, since it usually
> changes depending on what *nix flavor I'm working on.  I also don't think that
> it should make a difference what editor I'm using with a programming language.
> Others seem to think differently.  C'est la vie.

It won't make a difference. Even if you're in an environment where you
can neither type nor copy'n'paste the cent sign, you can still use the
ASCII version of the sigil. Sure, it's going to be one extra
keystroke, but that's not really a big issue - and even less so when
you consider that you probably won't be using the class sigil as often
as the others, anyway.

The amount of typing that was required for your emails in this thread
so far probably exceeds the amount of extry typing you'll have to do
to use the ASCII version of the sigil for your entire life already. :)

> Steve Peters


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