On Mon, Nov 07, 2005 at 11:20:39PM +0200, Ilmari Vacklin wrote:
: On Mon, Nov 07, 2005 at 12:05:30PM -0800, Larry Wall wrote:
: > On Mon, Nov 07, 2005 at 11:53:26AM -0800, Larry Wall wrote:
: > : Also, if we provide a way to return a pair instead of a value from a
: > : hash (currently done with the new :%hash<key> syntax),
: > 
: > Whoops, I forgot I changed that to %hash:<key> (and %hash:{'key'} too).
: Playing the devil's advocate; maybe that should be %hash.pairs<key>, or
: %hash.pair:key? I don't like the : there - it's too small, and hidden
: %between the larger syntactical elements.

Leaving aside the visibility argument, which is a valid complaint,
%hash.pairs implies generation of a list of pairs which can't be
subscripted except by treating it as a hash.  Whether you put
.pairs (or .kv) before or after the subscript, it ends up being a
special case.  So it seems to be more of an adverbial idea, but I


is rather ugly, and prone to having :pair eat up the following syntax.

We could improve the visibility of the colon like this:


or maybe even

    %hash :<key>

On the other hand, the colon notation doesn't give us .kv.  But it's
probably not too bad to say

    %hash.:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

in that case.  I thought a bit about adverbial solutions like:

    %hash{:pair @slice}
    %hash{:kv @slice}

but it is problematic to extend those to:

    %hash<:pair key>
    %hash<:kv key>

And it seems to me that we very frequently will want to pass named
arguments that take their names from the keys of the hash:

    blurp 1,2,3, %options:<foo bar baz>

and I wanted to get the named-arg indicator as near as I could to
the actual argument names without destroying the <> quoting.


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