On 11/17/05, Joshua Choi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> But what does that mean for =>'s signature? What type would be its
> first parameter? Would you call it "&infix:{'=>'}:(Bareword | Any,
> Any)" or something like that? And in any case, would you be able to
> use this autoquoting in or as a sub, operator, type, etc.?

I think => gets special treatment from the parser; i.e. it is
undeclarable.  It's probably not even declarable as a macro, since it
needs to look behind itself for what to quote.

And I think this is okay.  For some reason, we are not satisfied if
"if" is undeclarable, but => being so is fine.  I can't put my finger
on why I feel this way, though.


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