
Luke Palmer wrote:
> On 11/21/05, Ingo Blechschmidt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Hm. How is (*@;AoA) different from (Array [EMAIL PROTECTED]) then? (Assuming 
>> that
>> foo(@a; @b) desugars to foo([EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED]).)
> Well, it's not at all, under that assumption.  But that assumption is
> wrong.

Aha! FYI, I got that interpretation from r6628 of S09 [1]:
> The following two constructs are structurally indistinguishable:
>     (0..10; 1,2,4; 3)
>     ([0..10], [1,2,3,4], [3])

> I think foo(@a; @b) doesn't have a sugar-free form (that is to
> say, it is the sugar-free form).  Among things that desugar to it:
>     @a ==> foo() <== @b
>     foo(@a) <== @b
>     @a ==> @b ==> foo()   # maybe; don't remember
> To illustrate:
>     sub foo ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) {
>         say [EMAIL PROTECTED];
>     }
>     sub bar (*@;a) {
>         say +@;a;
>     }
>     foo(1,2,3; 4,5,6);   # 6
>     bar(1,2,3; 4,5,6);   # 2
> That is, the regular [EMAIL PROTECTED] has "concat" semantics.  However, I'd 
> like to
> argue that it should have "die" semantics, for obvious reasons.

Just to clarify -- only ";" with "*@;a" should have "die" semantics, ","
with "*@;a" should continue to work, right? (If so, I agree.)

Could you provide some more examples with ;, please? In particular, what
are the results of the following expressions?

    (42; 23)
    (@a; @b)
    (@a; @b)[0]
    (@a; @b)[0][0]
    ((42;23); (17;19))
    ((@a;@b); (@c;@d))

    *(42; 23)
    *(@a; @b)

    ( (42; 23), 19)
    (*(42; 23), 19)

    [42; 23]

Thanks very much,


[1] http://svn.perl.org/perl6/doc/trunk/design/syn/S09.pod
    /The semicolon operator

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