
    my ($a, $b, $c) = <a b c>;
    my $also_a := ($a,$b,$c)[0];
    $also_a eq "a";  # correct?
    $also_a = "A";   # does not die?
    $a eq "A";       # true?

    my $also_b = "b";
    ($a,$b,$c)[1] := $also_b;
    $b eq "b";       # true?
    $b = "B";        # does not die?
    $also_b eq "B";  # true?

Note that if my assumptions are correct, the following expressions must
be true as well (also see [1]), unless there's some additional magic.

    ($a,$b,$c)[0] =:= $a;
    ($a,$b,$c)[1] =:= $b;
    ($a,$b,$c)[2] =:= $c;


    ($a,$b,$c)[1] = 42;  # same as $b = 42


    (0,1,2)[1]  = 42;  # dies ("cannot modify constant")
    (0,1,2)[1] := 42;  # dies ("cannot rebind constant")

    my @foo = <a b c>;
    my @bar = <d e f>;
    (@foo,@bar)[2] =:= @foo[2];  # true
    (@foo,@bar)[3] =:= @bar[0];  # true

    (@foo,@bar)[2]  = 42;  # same as @foo[2]  = 42
    (@foo,@bar)[3]  = 42;  # same as @bar[0]  = 42

    (@foo,@bar)[2] := 42;  # same as @foo[2] := 42
    (@foo,@bar)[3] := 42;  # same as @bar[0] := 42

(These questions were motivated by Flavio's work in progress [2] ("A
draft on the runtime view of how Lazy things (like Arrays) work").)


[1] http://www.nntp.perl.org/group/perl.perl6.language/22924
[2] http://svn.openfoundry.org/pugs/docs/notes/laziness.txt

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