On Fri, 16 Dec 2005, Darren Duncan wrote:

An undefined value is NOT the same as zero or an empty string respectively; the latter two are very specific and defined values, just like 7 or 'foo'.
Therefore, I propose that the default behaviour of Perl 6 be changed or maintained such that:

You have very strong arguments, but I think that Perl becoming more solid should not come at the expense of practicity. Indeed the single warning I most often happen to have to (locally) disable is 'uninitialized'. Granted, a C< //0 > or C< //'' > is even shorter, in production code that is, and clearly specifies what one expects, but

(i) people may still trust the data they're working on and prefer the other way round,

(ii) they may still want to chunk up quick'n'dirty one-liners (still expect to be not strict- and not warnings-safe).

Have you ever stopped to consider that what is crashing
your Perl is sitting between the keyboard and chair?
- Sherm Pendley in clpmisc, "Re: Perl IDE" (edited)

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