Luke Palmer wrote:
> I believe we've been through this before.  We go with a standard,
> probably IEEE, horridly mathematically unappealing though it may be.
> It will be easier to implement and it will be more predictable, both
> because most other language follow standards, too.

"The good thing about standards is that there are so many to choose
from".  Which IEEE standard are we following?  754-1985? 854-1987?
754r-2006 (still under discussion)?

Also, would you be happy with different treatments of Int/Int versus

        0/0     # fail "illegal division by zero"
        0.0/0.0 # NaN

That seems to follow from the standard (ruby, ocaml, mzscheme currently
does that), but some may also argue for NaN bothways (ghc, js) or an
exception bothways (perl5, python).


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