Hmm, if almost everything desugars to function/method calls, and we
have a generic .wrap mechanism in addition to the MMD mechanism, then
the only remaining technical question is whether you can actually
name the function or method (or set of multimethods) to which the
surface code is being desugared.  Layered over that question is the
cultural issue of whether the underlying function is blessed into an
official API.  (Which, if you squint, is just the same question writ
large: "Does this thing have a Name?").

I think we've pretty much solved the naming of sets of multimethods by
allowing types in the reference-taking syntax, but we do probably have
to think through whether that just calculates a set of multies when
you take the reference, or lazily just remembers the types so that it
can see new multis added after the reference is taken.  The optimizer
would probably prefer the former, while semantic transparency would
probably argue for the latter.  Basically, can we .wrap a multi that
doesn't entirely exist yet?  The default answer should probably be yes,
with the option to tell the optimizer otherwise.  Not sure if that
should just be a pragma or something you put on the actual reference
taking syntax...  And if the latter, which syntax?


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