On Thu, Mar 23, 2006 at 02:27:07PM +0200, Yuval Kogman wrote:
: on the #catalyst channel today we had lots of pains debugging where
: a die will go to eventually, within a cascade of eval { }s and what
: not.
: In Perl 6 one thing that could ease this is to be able to easily
: know where we will die to, without having to walk the stack and
: checking which scope entries have a catch block.

How else would you implement it that doesn't impact performance?
One of the main reasons for having exceptions is that they're exceptional,
and should be pessimized with respect to ordinary code.  Having to
write a stack introspection routine is not that big of a hardship.

: The other thing is to be able to trace an exception: if we have 'die
: "foo" but traced' then the exception should print "cought at ....
: rethrowed" as it's doing that.

: This second thing is much harder for me to pretend to implement

Maybe have the debugger .wrap all CATCH blocks?


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