On Mon, May 01, 2006 at 10:32:02AM -0700, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Log:
> * S03.pod: Retire lvalue undef and replace it with lvalue Whatever:
>     # Perl 5
>     (undef, undef, $x) = (1,2,3);
>     # Perl 6
>     (*, *, $x) = (1,2,3);

Is my ($foo, *, $bar) = 1..3 legal perl6?  my ($foo, undef, $bar) =
1..3; is valid perl5, but AFAIK that is completely undocumented.  (It's
quite useful from time to time -- now if only my (@rest, $almost, $last) =
function_returning_many_thingies could work...

    -=- James Mastros

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