在 2006/7/1 下午 6:08 時,Tom Allison 寫到:

I picked this up at the YAPC and made some markups on it. Apologies that it is not in a diff format, but that's going to come with practice.

... is there a file attachment somewhere? :-)

I got stuck on some of the intended behaviors and prohibited behaviors of the 'goto' function. For the purpose of clarity would it be useful to provide a series of specific test cases (in perl 5) to identify what it does today and what (if anything) it will do differently?

Yes, that would be very useful. The Pugs t/builtins/control_flow/ goto.t in particular needs to include all the S04 forms; I have sent you a commit bit -- please checkout http://svn.openfoundry.org/pugs with Subversion, add yourself to AUTHORS, and change/augment goto.t to include those test cases.


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  • S04 Tom Allison
    • Re: S04 Audrey Tang

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