On 8/24/06, Mark J. Reed <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On 8/24/06, Luke Palmer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Well, actually Array would be a subtype of Array::Const, not t'other
> way round.

Why?  That makes no sense to me.   An Array isn't a variety of
constant Array; a constant Array is a variety of Array...

Let's say our arrays are simple, for argument's sake:  With a constant
array, you can:

  * get its length
  * get the value of an element at an index

With an array, you can:

  * get its length
  * get the value of an element at an index
  * set the value of an element at an index

That is, arrays have strictly more capabilites than constant arrays.
Every array can be used as a constant array, but not every constant
array can be used as an array.

You can see this recognized in C++:

  int* x;
  const int* y;
  x = y;   // illegal
  y = x;   // okay


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