TSa wrote:
Here is yet another idea to go with the two lattice operations:

   /\ meet   also: infimum,  intersection, glb (greatest lower bound)
   \/ join   also: supremum, union,        lub (least upper bound)

I have to admit: if it turns out that '&' and '|' can't be used for
'intersection' and 'union', '/\' and '\/' wouldn't be the worst
choices to replace them.  But I'd like to verify that we can't use
what we currently have first, before we go changing things.

and also read nice as english words:

   role J joins A, B, C; # same as role J does A \/ B \/ C
   role M meets A, B, C; # same as role M does A /\ B /\ C

I'm less enthusiastic about this, though: perl already uses 'join' for
list concatenation.

Jonathan "Dataweaver" Lang

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