Author: larry
Date: Mon Dec 18 17:50:54 2006
New Revision: 13493


Nitty infrastructural routines probably shouldn't rely on multiple dispatch or
optional args, so we now have .call, .callc and .callv forms.
Also added .goto variants for tail call enforcement.  This provides "goto &foo"
as well to make P5 programmers feel like they not everything has changed.

Modified: doc/trunk/design/syn/S06.pod
--- doc/trunk/design/syn/S06.pod        (original)
+++ doc/trunk/design/syn/S06.pod        Mon Dec 18 17:50:54 2006
@@ -13,9 +13,9 @@
   Maintainer: Larry Wall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
   Date: 21 Mar 2003
-  Last Modified: 5 Dec 2006
+  Last Modified: 18 Dec 2006
   Number: 6
-  Version: 63
+  Version: 64
 This document summarizes Apocalypse 6, which covers subroutines and the
@@ -703,17 +703,23 @@
 parameter marked with a C<|>.
     sub bar ($a,$b,$c,:$mice) { say $mice }
-    sub foo (|$args) { say |$args.perl; &bar.callargs(|$args); }
+    sub foo (|$args) { say |$args.perl; &bar.callc($args); }
-The C<.callargs> method of C<Code> objects accepts an argument list,
-(which can be specified as a Capture object as above), and calls it
-without introducing an official C<CALLER> frame.
+The C<.callc> method of C<Code> objects takes a C<Capture> argument.
+The C<.callv> method accepts an ordinary variadic argument list, so the
+following is equivalent:
+    sub foo (|$args) { say |$args.perl; &bar.callv(|$args); }
+In either case, the wrapped routine is called
+without introducing an official C<CALLER> frame, and produces:
     foo 1,2,3,:mice<blind>;     # says "\(1,2,3,:mice<blind>)" then "blind"
-It is allowed to specify additional parameters. The Capture binding merely
-takes a snapshot of what's left of the Capture at that point and then
-continues binding as if the Capture parameter weren't there:
+It is allowed to specify additional parameters within the signature.
+The C<Capture> binding merely takes a snapshot of what's left of
+the C<Capture> at that point and then continues binding as if the
+C<Capture> parameter weren't there:
     sub compare (|$args, Num $x, Num $y --> Bool) { ... }
@@ -2025,7 +2031,7 @@
 smart-matched against the dynamic scope objects from inner to outer.
 The first that matches is the scope that is left.
-The remainder of the arguments are taken to be a Capture holding the
+The remainder of the arguments are taken to be a C<Capture> holding the
 return values.
     leave;                      # return from innermost block of any kind
@@ -2113,27 +2119,28 @@
 =head2 Wrapping
 Every C<Routine> object has a C<.wrap> method. This method expects a single
-C<Code> argument. Within the code, the special C<call> and C<callargs> 
functions will invoke
+C<Code> argument. Within the code, the special C<call> and C<callv> functions 
will invoke
 the original routine, but do not introduce an official C<CALLER> frame:
     sub thermo ($t) {...}   # set temperature in Celsius, returns old value
     # Add a wrapper to convert from Fahrenheit...
-    $handle = &thermo.wrap( { callargs( ($^t-32)/1.8 ) } );
+    $handle = &thermo.wrap( { callv( ($^t-32)/1.8 ) } );
-The C<callargs> function lets you pass your own arguments to the wrapped
-function.  The C<call> function takes no arguments and implicitly passes
-the original argument list through unchanged.
+The C<callv> function lets you pass your own arguments to the wrapped
+function.  The C<call> function takes an optional C<Capture> argument,
+with no arguments it implicitly passes the original argument list
+through unchanged.
 The call to C<.wrap> replaces the original C<Routine> with the C<Code>
-argument, and arranges that the call to C<call> or C<callargs> invokes the 
+argument, and arranges that the call to C<call> or C<callv> invokes the 
 version of the routine. In other words, the call to C<.wrap> has more
 or less the same effect as:
     &old_thermo := &thermo;
     &thermo := sub ($t) { old_thermo( ($t-32)/1.8 ) }
-Except that C<&thermo> is mutated in-place, so C<&thermo.WHICH> stays the same
+except that C<&thermo> is mutated in-place, so C<&thermo.WHICH> stays the same
 after the C<.wrap>.
 The call to C<.wrap> returns a unique handle that can later be passed to
@@ -2148,36 +2155,53 @@
     # Add a wrapper to convert from Kelvin
     # wrapper self-unwraps at end of current scope
-    temp &thermo.wrap( { callargs($^t + 273.16) } );
+    temp &thermo.wrap( { callv($^t + 273.16) } );
-The entire argument list may be captured by binding to a Capture parameter.
-It can then be passed to C<callargs> using that name:
+The entire argument list may be captured by binding to a C<Capture> parameter.
+It can then be passed to C<call> using that name:
     # Double the return value for &thermo
-    &thermo.wrap( -> |$args { callargs(|$args) * 2 } );
+    &thermo.wrap( -> |$args { call($args) * 2 } );
 In this case only the return value is changed.
 The wrapper is not required to call the original routine; it can call another
-C<Code> object by passing the C<Capture> to its C<call> method:
+C<Code> object by passing the C<Capture> to one of its C<call> method:
     # Transparently redirect all calls to &thermo to &other_thermo
-    &thermo.wrap( -> |$args { &other_thermo.callargs(|$args) } );
+    &thermo.wrap( sub (|$args) { &other_thermo.callv(|$args) } );
 or more briefly:
+    &thermo.wrap( -> |$args { &other_thermo.callc($args) } );
+or even more briefly:
     &thermo.wrap( { & } );
-Outside a wrapper, the various C<call> functions and methods implicitly
-call the next-most-likely method or multi-sub; see S12 for details.
+Outside a wrapper, the various C<call> and C<goto> functions and
+methods implicitly call the next-most-likely method or multi-sub;
+see S12 for details.
 As with any return value, you may capture the returned C<Capture> of C<call>
 by binding:
-    my |$retval := callargs(|$args);
+    my |$retval := callc($args);
     ... # postprocessing
     return |$retval;
+Alternately, you may prevent any return at all by using the variants
+C<goto>, C<gotoc> and C<gotov>.  Arguments are passed just as with
+C<call>, C<callc>, and C<callv>, but a tail call is explicitly
+enforced; any following code will be unreached.  The C<callc> and
+C<gotoc> variants take a single optional C<Capture> argument supplying
+the new argument list; if not supplied, the incoming C<Capture> is
+passed verbatim (regardless of any capture bindings in the signature).
+You may also use the C<callv> or C<gotov> variants to pass an ordinary
+variadic argument list to the wrapped function.  Use C<< prefix:<|>
+>> to incorporate a capture (such as the original argument list)
+into the new argument list.
 =head2 The C<&?ROUTINE> object
 C<&?ROUTINE> is always an alias for the lexically innermost C<Routine>

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