As a little Perl 6 exercise I translated the Perl 5 Markov chain /
dissociated-press script from _The Practice of Programming_:

Here's my Perl 6 attempt, with support for different prefix lengths.

my $n = 2;                              # prefix length
my $max = 10000;                        # max output words
my %state;
my $o = 0;
my @w = [;] "\n" xx $n                  # initial sate
        does { method adv(@w: $i){ @w <== $i; @w.shift; } };

for <>.slurp.split {                    # read each word of input
        %state{@@w}.push: $_;
        @w.adv: $_;                     # advance chain
%state{@@w}.push: "\n";                 # add tail

@w »=» "\n";                            # reset initial state
while ($_ = %state{@@w}.pick).say {
        last if /\n/ or $o++ >= $max;
        @w.adv: $_;                     # advance chain

Since pugs doesn't seem to have full multislice support yet, can anyone
comment on whether I have the syntax and semantics right here?

In particular:

- Does shift do what I'm expecting it to do with a multidim array?

- Am I using the @ and @@ sigils correctly?  I think I could just use @@
  everywhere (right?), but I tried to use it only where needed.  Do I
  need an @@ on the method invocant or anywhere else?

- Does @w »=» "\n" leave the multidimensionality intact?

- As I understand it, the way I have it written the anonymous mixin is
  applied to the value in @w and not to the @w container.  If I did
  something like @w = 1,2,3 that would clobber the mixin, right?  Does
  the hyperop-assignment avoid that?

- Is there some concise syntax for attaching the mixin to the container,

  my @w is (Array does {...}) = ...;

  Is this the correct non-golf way to do it?

  Role R {...}
  class A is Array { does R }
  my @w is A = ...;

- Can I call methods on <> or do I have to say $*ARGS?

- Can for <>.slurp.split {...} be trusted to not use a huge amount of
  memory for large inputs?

Any commentary or suggestions for improvement are welcomed.

-ryan (rhr on #perl6)

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