Perl6::Perldoc v0.0.5 just hit the CPAN.

Apart from several important bug-fixes, notable new features include:

    - Enhanced Perl6::Perldoc::Parser::parse() so that it now accepts either
      a filename, a filehandle, or a reference to a string containing Pod6,
      as alternative data sources.

    - Add embedded-CSS support to to_xhtml()

    - [BACKWARDS INCOMPATIBLE CHANGE] Refactored 'full_doc' option with
      'DTD', 'title', and 'style' suboptions

    - Added stylesheet to bin/perldoc2xhtml to improve rendering of tables
      in Firefox, Safari, and Explorer

    - Added -toc option to bin/perldoc2xhtml to autogenerate a table of
      contents for the document being converted

    - Added 'text_to_entities' option to to_xhtml()
      (see bin/perldoc2xhtml_enhanced for an example)

This will be the last update for (at least) a few weeks, as I will be preoccupied with other projects.

Thanks again to everyone for the valuable feedback. Please keep it coming.


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