On 6/11/07, Luke Palmer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On 6/11/07, Jonathan Lang <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Still, Damian has a good point - which renders the bulk of this
> discussion moot.  The one thing left to consider (IMHO) is whether or
> not it's worthwhile (or even possible) to go back to '$c ? $t : $f' or
> to '$c ? $t ! $f'.  As I said, the primary concern originally
> expressed about the Perl 5 syntax involved matters of ambiguity which
> seem to have been resolved since then.  A case could be made that if
> the Perl 5 syntax for this doesn't clash with the rest of Perl 6, it
> should be used: anything else would be change for change's sake.

First, don't consider it a change.  We're making a new language, not
modding Perl 5.

I'm concerned that the relevant precedent isn't just Perl5.  The ?: spelling
of the ternary is pretty deeply embedded in programming languages -- I'm
hard pressed to think of a widely used language in the past 10-15 years that
spells it differently (though that may say more about my experience than the
universe of "widely used" languages).  Put more practically, I don't think
the issue is just moving people forward from Perl5; we need to think about
whether it'll help or hinder users moving back and forth among several
languages, or bringing familiarity with other languages to the process of
learning Perl6.

Granting that Perl6 is a new language, I think there's still a role for
deferring to existing usage.  If it's technically impossible, or would
prevent Perl6 from delivering some other important benefit (e.g. would
require a lot of special-casing elsewhere), then it's worth making a
change.  But I'm not sure pure orthogonality, visual impact, or similar
considerations, adequate though they are for deciding how to implement a new
operation, are sufficient cause to trade common usage for a novel one.

<paranoia>There's also the less important social problem that Perl6 has
already spent a lot of goodwill in its long gestation.  I think it can be
earned back by doing things well, because they've been thought through
carefully, but the language will be viewed with some initial skepticism.
That may be eased by sprinkling familiar ideas amongst the novel.  Sure,
it's still got +*-/, but would ?: hurt?  At a minimum, is there a strong
enough reason for changing it that it will be difficult for skeptics to
describe it as merely another ideological change?</paranoia>

Charles Bailey
Lists: bailey _dot_ charles _at_ gmail _dot_ com
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