S02 provides this example for treating curlies literally in a quoted string:

    qq:!c "Here are { $two uninterpolated } curlies";

But can I escape them with a backslash? I was surprised that I couldn't find anything in S02 which said either yes or no. Perhaps this falls under the heading of "anything not specifically defined in the synopses acts just like it did in Perl 5", and I should just shut up.

In the description of the :q (aka :single) adverb, there is mention of the fact that you can escape the quoting character, as in

    Q :q "The ubiquity of \"air quotes\" is really annoying to me";

and the description of :b (aka :backslash) indicates that it activates the usual substitutions on \a, \b, \t, \n, \f, \r, and \e,

    Q :b "Here's a BEEP \a and a newline \n;

but I can't find any discussion of whether "\p" is legal (presumably identical to "p") or lexically illegal ("unrecognized escape sequence in string literal"). And in that example, by p I mean any character p for which S02 doesn't define the meaning of \p.

In particular, there's no mention of whether \ can be used to escape $, @, %, &, or {. I would _assume_ that

    "Here are \{ $two uninterpolated \} curlies";

means the same as the first example, above, but I can't find anything that says so.

So, I would hope that

    $fruit = 'apple';
    $number = 7;
    $money = 'peso';
    say "set A = \{ $fruit, {$number+1}, \$money \}";

actually says

    set A = { apple, 8, $money }

Does it? And, do I really need to backwhack the final (closing) curly?

    say "set A = \{ $fruit, {$number+1}, \$money }";

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