
John M. Dlugosz wrote:
So a function can only supply values for one dimension?  Given
each function is called in list context and returns a list for one of the 

 But what if you wanted a function to replace the literal subscript in:
  @array[foo]  # what does foo return to be equiv to the first line?

sub foo { return (1,2;1;3) }

The thing the spec is unclear about is what "as part of a subscript"
means. In @array[foo] the sub should see the whole context, though.
I guess the parser is producing slice context at compile time because
it sees &postcircumfix:<[ ]>. The point is that in @array[foo;bar] it
is unclear how to split the dimensions of @array into contexts for
&foo and &bar if @array is more then two-dimensional. In the case of
@array.dim == 2 &foo and &bar are in list context anyway. Actually the
shape of @array is generally unknown until runtime.

Now my question: could slice context be a runtime feature that acts
before the dispatch to &postcircumfix:<[ ]> by retrieving the shape
of the @array and handing it over to &foo as context, capture the
shape of the slice returned and hand over the remaining shape as
context to &bar? Since relying on the order of &foo and &bar in the
source is bad, an even more elaborate scheme can be used that queries
&foo and &bar before the actual call which slots they intend to fill
in the pending slice operation.

Regards, TSa.

The Angel of Geometry and the Devil of Algebra fight for the soul
of any mathematical being.   -- Attributed to Hermann Weyl

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