I understand your example.  In fact, it further clarifies your earlier note.

But that's not what I meant. I was thinking that access was through a variable, not understanding the real point of the syntax.

Audrey Tang audreyt-at-audreyt.org |Perl 6| wrote:
John M. Dlugosz wrote:
That seems to be saying that using the method-call form is preferred, as
it abstracts whether it is a real hard attribute or not.

Er, it is not so.

The $.foo notation is good not only for calling accessors, but also as a way to specify context when calling oneself's methods. Consider:

class Foo {
    method bar ($x, $y) { ... }
    method baz (
        $.bar: 1, 2;
        @.bar: 3, 4;

Here we are simply typing $.bar as a shorthand of $(self.bar), and @.bar as @(self.bar), as well as supplying them with arguments; they do not mandate that there exists a "bar" attribute for our class.

In other words, there needs to be no real hard attribute "bar", no matter if you call the "bar" method as self.bar(), $.bar(), or simply $.bar.


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