
John M. Dlugosz wrote:
Here is a sample:

There you write:

   class C { ... }
   class D is C { ... }
   my C $c1; # creates container with actual value type of C
   my D $d1 := $c1; # OK, since D “isa” C.
   my C $c2 := $d1; # compile-time error, since static types
                    # are compared
   my C $c3 := $d1 :coerce; # OK at compile time because test
                            # explicitly deferred to run time.

isn't that the wrong way around? D isa C and so you can bind
$c1 := $d1 and call C methods on $c1 which potentially are
re-implemented in D. However the static type C of $c1 should
prevent calls of D methods at CHECK time.

   my Int|Str $x1;
   my Int $x2 := $x1; # error, since could get Str’s out
                      # depending on actual value
   my Int $y1;
   my Int|Str $y2 := $y1; # error, since could put Str’s
                          # into container of Ints

This hinges on the details how binding works. If it is pure
name lookup then you can bind only variables of equal type.
But $Larry has the idea of $x1 and $x2 being different views
of the same underlying item. E.g.

   $x2 = "   2.010  ";
   my Num $x3 := $x2;
   say "x1 = ($1);  x2 = ($2);  x3 = ($x3)";

prints "x1 = (  2.010  );  x2 = (2);  x3 = (2.01)". That is
the chars of the original string are preserved in the Int|Str
view but lost in the Num or Int view. The latter is also
flooring away the fractional part. Some of the consequences
are that

   $x1 ne $x2
   $x1 != $x2
   $x1 == $x3

but of course

   $x1 =:= $x2 =:= $x3

but note that after

   $x1 = 42;

we now have

   $x1 eq $x2
   $x1 == $x2
   $x1 == $x3

The Int constraint of $x2 means of course that $x2 = 'xx' is
an error, but $x1 = 'xx' is legal and *indistinguishable*
from $x1 = 0 for $x2.

   my Int $x3 := $x1 :defer; # OK, fetches checked at run-time
   my Int|Str $y3 := y1 :defer; # OK, stores checked at run-time
   my Int $x4 := $x1 :coerce; # fails at run time because actual
                              # container type still wrong
   my Int $x5 := $y2 :coerce; # type check agrees at run time.
   # (The :coerce and :defer adverbs to := is proposed)

With the view paradigm these adverbs are obsolete I guess.

Regards, TSa.

The Angel of Geometry and the Devil of Algebra fight for the soul
of any mathematical being.   -- Attributed to Hermann Weyl

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