John M. Dlugosz wrote:
> Moritz Lenz |Perl 6| wrote:
>> This is described in depth in "Object oriented software construction" by
>> Bertrand Meyer.
> OK, reading about it in Wiki, I see what it's supposed to do. 
> PRE - derived classes may weaken but not strengthen.
> So if it fails, but the preconditions of the same method on the base 
> class pass, that means you wrote the precondition wrong. 

No. Only if it *always* fails.
PRE conditions between a class and its ancestors are OR'ed - there's
nothing wrong if one part of an OR branch evaluates to false.

> Rather than 
> ignoring that, shouldn't it be an error?

Only if the compiler can prove that the condition is always false.

Moritz Lenz |

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