Ph. Marek |Perl 6| wrote:
I think that's a can of work, and I'd be +1 on TSa:
If the programmer really wants to decrement "10" to "09" she has to cast that to Str: ("10" as Str)--. So we have "10".HOW === Str but "10".WHAT === Num Str.

It's behaving as Num ∪ Str, while the declaration Num Str in juxtaposition means Num ∩ Str.

Since typed variables will still stringify and numify just fine:

my Num $x = 123;
say $x ~~ " bottles of beer";

the dynamic type is indeed Num. It just has the capability of being coerced to a string, which is called implicitly in various situations.

"10".HOW returns something that does the Metaobject role, which itself can stringify to the name of the Perl 6 class in this case, but the details depend of the object system. In a JavaScript or Self object model, there might not be classes. But what it stringifies to isn't really discussed.

"10".WHAT returns the undefined prototype of Str. It also stringifies to the short name of the class.

Using Str by itself is a listop with no parameters and returns the undefined prototype. So

say "10".WHAT === Str;

prints True. Both refer to the same value: the undefined prototype object of type Str. If the undefined prototype is guaranteed to be singular, then =:= would also show True.

say "10".HOW === Str;

prints False. The left side is a Metaobject, the right a Str mixed in with something that delegates class methods and overrides stringification etc. The things you can call on them are different. They could not be implemented as the same object.


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