
chromatic wrote:
What are marked semantic meanings?

Types. That is, in the context of "Dog", "bark" means "emit a sound". In the context of "Tree", "bark" means "the outer skin".

Note that the only things that carry meaning in your other example

   my $result = $thingie.bark;

are the English words in it. If you randomize all your identifiers
the impression of meaning is almost gone.

  my $xgdfhls = $hrigo.ksjxkcj;

The only thing left is that a variable is initialized with the
return value of a method called on another variable. With more
type annotation the two bark methods can be distinguished with
higher probability.

  my Sound = $thingie.bark;


  my Bark = $thingie.bark;

One problem with duck typing is specific to the language used for the
Identifiers. E.g. in German you have bark === Rinde|bellen. But there
e.g. Himmel === heaven|sky. So, if we had some meta identifier space
that guarantees uniqueness and allows hooking-in localized translations
you could translate

  my $result = $thingie.bark;

to German either as

  mein $Ergebnis = $Ding.bellen;


  mein $Ergebnis = $Ding.Rinde;

A similar problem to the linguistic one above is that structural
identity by far doesn't mean conceptual identity. Take e.g. the
arrow type :(Num --> Num). It might be sufficient for a routine that
graphs the function, or this graphing might require e.g.
differentiability or continuity. How would you say that in Perl 6?

  role Continuous does Code:(Num --> Num) {  }

looks promising even though I see no way that the type checker
can enforce anything here. But let's trust the programmer who
composes the role into her functions. Now

  sub graph ( &func where {.does: Continuous}, Num $from, Num $to )

  sub square ( Num $x --> Num ) does Continuous { return $x * $x }

  graph( &square, -10.0, 10.0 ); # type correct

The odd thing to me is that graph cannot be defined as

  sub graph ( Continuous &func, Num $from, Num $to ) {...}

or is that the same? Then how do I get what I want? I think S06 says
that the above means that &func returns a Continuous value as in

  sub foo ( Int &func:(Int) --> Int) { return func(17); }

  sub double (Int $x --> Int) { return 2 * $x; }

  say foo( &double ); # prints 34

My idea is that foo:( Foo &f ) should mean the same as
foo:( Foo $x ), that is the variables have to contain a
value that does Foo. Note that this implies that

  sub mysub {...}

occupies two slots in the surrounding namespace &mysub and
::mysub. The latter is a type that can be used as

  sub mysubuser ( mysub &f ) {...}

  sub yoursub does mysub {...}

  mysubuser( &yoursub ); # OK

  sub blahh (Int $x) does mysub {...} # composition error

Regards, TSa.

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1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + ... = -1/12  -- Srinivasa Ramanujan

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