(cross-posting to p6l)

Ryan Richter wrote:
> On Thu, Jun 26, 2008 at 11:36:05AM +0200, Moritz Lenz wrote: 
>> 2) How do we know which numeric type is a class and which is a role? Is
>>  there an explicit spec about the types of number literals? That could
>> have some impact on type checking in the tests. (Maybe I should prod p6l
>> with that).
> You can't instantiate a role so they're pretty much all classes I think.
> The only role that I saw specced was Order, and Num does Order so all
> Num types inherit that.  Complex is its own type separate from Num, and
> everything else descends from Num.  See docs/p6types in pugs, it's meant
> to answer these questions :)

Thanks for the effort, but it also raises new questions. For example:
> Int is Num
Rakudo doesn't do it that way, because the 'A is B' relation in OO means
"Every instance of A is also an Instance of B", which certainly isn't
the case with Ints. Int is more like a subset of Num.

Which made me think, shouldn't Num be a role? and then 3.14 would be a
Rat or a Float or whatever, 42 would be an Int, and
 Int does Num
 Rat does Num
That way a compiler that only implements classes and roles (and no
subset types) can get the hierarchy of numeric types right.


Moritz Lenz
http://moritz.faui2k3.org/ |  http://perl-6.de/

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