Hi $Larry et al,

I brought this up as a question at YAPC::EU and found to my
surprise that no one seems to have thought of it yet. This is
the mail I said I’d write. (And apologies, Larry. :-) )

Consider the classic example of roles named Dog and Tree which
both have a `bark` method. Then there is a class that for some
inexplicable reason, assumes both roles. Maybe it is called
Mutant. This is standard fare so far: the class resolves the
conflict by renaming Dog’s `bark` to `yap` and all is well.

But now consider that Dog has a method `on_sound_heard` that
calls `bark`.

You clearly don’t want that to suddenly call Tree’s `bark`.

Unless, of course, you actually do.

It therefore seems necessary to me to specify dispatch such that
method calls in the Dog role invoke the original Dog role methods
where such methods exist. There also needs to be a way for a
class that assumes a role to explicitly declare that it wants
to override that decision. Thus, by default, when you say that
Mutant does both Dog and Tree, Dog’s methods do not silently
mutate their semantics. You can cause them to do so, but you
should have to ask for that.

I am, as I mentioned initially, surprised that no one seems to
have considered this issue, because I always thought this is what
avoiding the False Cognate problem of mixins, as chromatic likes
to call it, ultimately implies at the deepest level: that roles
provide scope for their innards that preserves their identity and
integrity (unless, of course, you explicitly stick your hands in),
kind of like the safety that hygienic macros provide.

Aristotle Pagaltzis // <http://plasmasturm.org/>

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