loop {
next if someCondition();

Mark Biggar

 -------------- Original message ----------------------
From: "Mark J. Reed" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> OK, so let's look at the general problem.  The structure is this:
> doSomething();
> while (someCondition())
> {
>     doSomethingElse();
>     doSomething();
> }
> ...and you want to factor out the doSomething() call so that it only
> has to be specified once.
> Is that correct, Aristotle?
> The "gotcha" is that the first doSomething() is unconditional, while
> the first doSomethingElse() should only happen if the loop condition
> is met (which means just moving the test to the end of the block
> doesn't solve the problem).
> IFF the doSomething() can be reasonably combined with the conditional
> test, then Bruce's solution works, but that won't necessarily be the
> case in general.  Overall, the goal is to ensure that by the end of
> the loop the program is in the state of having just called
> doSomething(), whether the loop runs or not - while also ensuring that
> the program is in that state at the top of each loop iteration.
> It does seem like a closure trait sort of thing, but I don't think
> it's currently provided by the p6 spec.

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