On Fri, Dec 5, 2008 at 9:10 AM, David Green <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I misremembered div vs. idiv, but how standard is it?  I know "div" commonly
> means int division, but not always.

True enough. In ANSI C, / already does integer division, but there's
also a div() function - the difference there is that div() is
guaranteed to round toward zero, whereas the rounding semantics of /
is implementation-dependent.

> On the one hand, some things you just have to learn; on the other, lots of P6 
> operators have
> word-names as well as symbols, and "div" is the obvious way to spell "/" 
> (what else would you
> call it?).

Well, respelling it is OK, just not sure how.  Python 3 uses // for
integer division, but we don't want to open up that can of worms

>> A way to get both [quotient and reminder] in one fell swoop would be nice
> Would it make sense to include the remainder as a trait on the quotient?

Maybe, but it smacks of the old and smelly "0 but true" type hacks to me.

> Or return some other special compound type that numifies to the quotient.

There could be a special-purpose Quotient type with the desired
behavior, but maybe Perl6 would benefit from a generic "stealth list"
type, like Lisp's multiple values.  Such an object behaves like a
simple scalar, even in list context, but if you use the right methods
you can access additional values beyond the obvious one.


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